Woodland Trail

Sorry about not posting for the last couple of days. I've hardly been home and only want to post pictures that have been taken that day. I've never said I was a 365 photoblog, but I try really hard to post every day. I would rather post only what was shot that day (with a few exceptions), than post everyday, but most of the pictures not be taken that day. Most 365 photoblogs out there that I've seen, are either people who take snapshots (not artistic) pics of their daily lives or people who post a picture every day, but those pics are usually not taken that day. I don't want to do either of those things, so that is why I don't claim to be a 365 photoblogger!

This picture is one of the pictures I took today.

Woodland Trail

You may want to check on This Post on my regular blog where I have posted pictures (as well as the story) of the raccoon that's been getting into my house (via cat door) to eat the catfood!

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