The Melting

Today was one of those days when the light just wouldn't work with me. I was sitting in the house, waiting for the light to be at just the right angle for the picture I had in mind. I only had to drive about a half a mile down the county road to get to the spot I wanted to photograph. I had known there were a few nice, white, fluffy clouds in the sky and that I might have to wait for the sun for a few moments, but I wasn't worried (there were only a few). Finally, the sun was just about right. I put on my shoes, grabbed my camera and took off down the road. By the time I got to the spot (about 2 minutes later), the sun was virtually gone. The clouds had taken over the sky. I hadn't realized they were multiplying. In the end, I was about five minutes too late for the lighting I had wanted for this shot, and the wind was blowing too hard to use a longer exposure. I probably should have done some quick bracketing, but I was losing what little light I had fast.

We have had around 4 inches of sleet all over the fields around the house, and today the temperatures rose to 60 degrees. The field below my house is in a low spot and the run-off had collected in one side of the field. I really wanted to capture the reflections and sunlight coming off the water on the field. This is the best I could do. Maybe you can imagine the sunlight?

The Melting

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