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Snowy Saturday
This is what it looks like outside my back door right now. It was snowing so hard that it was difficult to get a picture with all the snow coming at me and my camera.

Snowy Saturday
Glass Feeder
Glass Feeder
So I cheated today. I had to work late and could not get a picture in today. I took this one yesterday.
Woodland Trail
Sorry about not posting for the last couple of days. I've hardly been home and only want to post pictures that have been taken that day. I've never said I was a 365 photoblog, but I try really hard to post every day. I would rather post only what was shot that day (with a few exceptions), than post everyday, but most of the pictures not be taken that day. Most 365 photoblogs out there that I've seen, are either people who take snapshots (not artistic) pics of their daily lives or people who post a picture every day, but those pics are usually not taken that day. I don't want to do either of those things, so that is why I don't claim to be a 365 photoblogger!
This picture is one of the pictures I took today.

This picture is one of the pictures I took today.
Woodland Trail
You may want to check on This Post on my regular blog where I have posted pictures (as well as the story) of the raccoon that's been getting into my house (via cat door) to eat the catfood!
Tires, Tires, Tires
I'm cheating today...This is a picture that I took a few days ago. It wasn't my favorite, so it didn't get posted that day. I was at a basketball game tonight (without the camera) and so I didn't have time to take a picture today.

Tires, Tires, Tires
Combine For Parts
I was walking around in the field (dodging cow pies...sometimes) looking for shots with the light fading fast and decided to take a few quick pics of an old combine that sits in this field. I like how it turned out.

Combine For Parts
Snowy Sunday Morning
This picture is by no means awesome or awe inspiring in my opinion, but I wanted to post a picture of the brief bit of snow we had today. I woke up to a little less than an inch of snow and then it was gone by noon. Oddly, it was just a small band of snow and there was virtually no snow 4 miles on either side of us.
I didn't have a lot of time to set this picture up because I was trying to get ready for church this morning. I just took a quick shot from my back door (didn't even step onto the porch).

I didn't have a lot of time to set this picture up because I was trying to get ready for church this morning. I just took a quick shot from my back door (didn't even step onto the porch).
Snowy Sunday Morning
I have begun to start working on "punching up" my pictures in Photoshop. I'm working on upping the saturation levels and using the curves tool. On this photo, I also used the clone tool to take out a spot that had been on the lens (I didn't notice it until I loaded the picture on the computer and it only showed up in these pictures because of the sky).

Barbed-Wire and Moss
Barbed-Wire and Moss
Coffeyville Bricks
Sorry I didn't get a photo posted yesterday; things were just too hectic. I'm posting two today to try to make up for it. Another cloudy day today and it is really starting to affect my outdoor shots.

Coffeyville Bricks
B&W or Color?
I couldn't decide which version I liked better, so I decided to put it to a vote.

So which do you prefer?
Black and White
So which do you prefer?
Photo Titles
I often find it hard to come up with interesting (dare I say...unique?) titles for my photos. If anyone ever has any good suggestions for titles, please let me know!
Green Glow
I am working on my night shoots. I really need to find the time to look through some tutorials, but for now I am just winging it and seeing what happens.
I really like the color in this shot, and that's why I chose to post it. This tree is lit by a mercury light that lights the yard. I liked how the longer exposure gives the tree a green glow. This is not the best picture. I used the timer for the longer exposures because I still can't find the remote. There is still some blur, but I think that has more to do with how windy it was outside.

I really like the color in this shot, and that's why I chose to post it. This tree is lit by a mercury light that lights the yard. I liked how the longer exposure gives the tree a green glow. This is not the best picture. I used the timer for the longer exposures because I still can't find the remote. There is still some blur, but I think that has more to do with how windy it was outside.
Green Glow
Another day of 60 degree weather and the roads are beginning to turn to mud.

The Melting
Today was one of those days when the light just wouldn't work with me. I was sitting in the house, waiting for the light to be at just the right angle for the picture I had in mind. I only had to drive about a half a mile down the county road to get to the spot I wanted to photograph. I had known there were a few nice, white, fluffy clouds in the sky and that I might have to wait for the sun for a few moments, but I wasn't worried (there were only a few). Finally, the sun was just about right. I put on my shoes, grabbed my camera and took off down the road. By the time I got to the spot (about 2 minutes later), the sun was virtually gone. The clouds had taken over the sky. I hadn't realized they were multiplying. In the end, I was about five minutes too late for the lighting I had wanted for this shot, and the wind was blowing too hard to use a longer exposure. I probably should have done some quick bracketing, but I was losing what little light I had fast.
We have had around 4 inches of sleet all over the fields around the house, and today the temperatures rose to 60 degrees. The field below my house is in a low spot and the run-off had collected in one side of the field. I really wanted to capture the reflections and sunlight coming off the water on the field. This is the best I could do. Maybe you can imagine the sunlight?

We have had around 4 inches of sleet all over the fields around the house, and today the temperatures rose to 60 degrees. The field below my house is in a low spot and the run-off had collected in one side of the field. I really wanted to capture the reflections and sunlight coming off the water on the field. This is the best I could do. Maybe you can imagine the sunlight?
The Melting
Night Light
I am not really happy with this picture, but this blog is not about being perfect. It is, instead, about the journey. I took multiple shots of this light with all different settings. While I did use a tripod, there is still some blur if you zoom into the light pole, and that is really why I am still unhappy with this picture. I couldn't find my remote, and I think that might have helped some.

Night Light
Sunset Barn
Sorry I didn't post a photo yesterday. I was not home most of the day and did not feel inspired when I did get home. I hope I have made up for that today. This is a picture of a barn that I have been wanting to take a picture of for years. I love the way the light goes through the barn because of it having an entrance on both sides. When I took the picture, I made sure not to get the power line pole, but I could not avoid the lines themselves. I could probably photoshop them out, but decided not to. I did not have much time to spend waiting for the perfect moment today, but plan on going back again at some point and spending some time walking around (hopefully when it is above 26 degrees!).

Sunset Barn
An Ice Glazing
This picture shows the sun glinting off the yard after it had begun to thaw and then re-froze, making it smooth like glass.
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